Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.の技術革新には、4レベルのパルス振幅変調(PAM4)、軽量の前方誤り訂正(FEC)、巡回冗長検査(CRC)、フロー制御ユニット(Flits)などが含まれる。Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.テクノロジーは、AI/ML、データセンター、HPC、自動車、IoT、軍事/航空宇宙などのデータ集約型市場向けのスケーラブルな相互接続ソリューションとして設計されている。
現在および将来の発展を考えると、大規模な言語モデルの迅速な反復は、大規模GPUクラスタの堅牢なサポートに依存しています。この規模は数千のGPUクラスターのレベルに達し、AIにおける標準となっている。これらのクラスター間の相互接続は通常、GPUのネイティブExplore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.インターフェースに基づいています。PCIe 7.0以降のデータ転送速度を達成することは、標準的な銅ケーブルでは数十メートル以上ではほとんど不可能です。従来の電気的PCIeインターフェイスは、ケーブルやボードの電気的特性によって制限され、帯域幅と距離に制約があります。伝送距離は通常1メートル程度であり、リタイマーまたは光伝送の使用が唯一の実用的なソリューションとなります。
実際、PCIe 5.0および6.0規格が導入された時点で、銅線ケーブルはすでに苦戦を強いられていた。Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.(PCIe規格を策定する組織)が2024年5月1日に新しいCopprLink内部および外部ケーブル仕様を発表したのはこのためである。CopprLinkケーブルは同じフォーム・ファクターを共有し、SNIAによって維持されている確立された業界標準コネクターのフォーム・ファクターを活用して、32.0GT/sと64.0GT/sの信号伝送を提供することができる。しかし、CopprLinkの伝送距離は依然として制限されており、単一システム内では最大1メートル、ラック間接続では最大2メートルとなっている。
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.のケーブル配線作業は、EWG(Electrical Working Group)、CWG(Cabling Working Group)、OWG(Optical Working Group)の3つのワーキンググループに分かれている(画像ソース:PCI-SIG)。
つまり、一方では128.0GT/秒PCIe 7.0アーキテクチャ用のCopprLinkケーブルを開発し、他方ではPCIe光相互接続を積極的に推進している。PCIe光インターコネクトは、Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.ベースのGPUクラスタを複数のラックや列にわたって拡張し、AIモデルの性能を高め、GPUの利用率を向上させるために不可欠です。PCI-SIGは、CopprLinkケーブルと光インターコネクトが互いに補完し合えることを期待している。
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Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.