Dongguan Lanbo Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.

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  • Эволюция скоростей передачи данных PCIe
    Explore high-speed connectivity solutions at, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and cutting-edge PCI Express 7.0 components, built on advanced PCIe protocol layers.
  • Évolution des débits de données PCIe
    Explore high-speed connectivity solutions at, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and cutting-edge PCI Express 7.0 components, built on advanced PCIe protocol layers.
  • PCIe 데이터 전송률의 진화
    PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at
  • PCIeデータレートの進化
    現在および将来の発展を考えると、大規模な言語モデルの迅速な反復は、大規模GPUクラスタの堅牢なサポートに依存しています。この規模は数千のGPUクラスターのレベルに達し、AIにおける標準となっている。これらのクラスター間の相互接続は通常、GPUのネイティブPCIeインターフェースに基づいています。PCIe 7.0以降のデータ転送速度を達成することは、標準的な銅ケーブルでは数十メートル以上ではほとんど不可能です。従来の電気的PCIeインターフェイスは、ケーブルやボードの電気的特性によって制限され、帯域幅と距離に制約があります。伝送距離は通常1メートル程度であり、リタイマーまたは光伝送の使用が唯一の実用的なソリューションとなります。Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at
  • Evolution of card edge connector  Data Rates
    This is evident from PCI-SIG’s recent actions. In August 2023, PCI-SIG formed an optical working group to explore optical connections, planning to adopt multiple optical technologies to support PCIe, including pluggable optical transceivers, onboard optics, co-packaged optics, and optical I/O. The goal is to standardize the operation and behavior of PCIe over fiber. Fiber-optic communication has the potential for longer distances and higher data rates while significantly reducing power consumption compared to increasingly power-hungry copper wire transmission.Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at
  • Herausforderungen und Lösungen bei der Hochgeschwindigkeitssignalübertragung: PCIe und Steckeroptimierung
    Um diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen, müssen die Entwickler einen mehrdimensionalen Ansatz verfolgen, der Hardware-Design, Signaloptimierung und Materialauswahlstrategien kombiniert, um PCIe und Steckverbinder vollständig zu optimieren. Die wichtigsten Herausforderungen bei der Hochgeschwindigkeitssignalübertragung und ihre Lösungen werden im Folgenden ausführlich beschrieben.Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at
  • Défis et solutions en matière de transmission de signaux à grande vitesse : PCIe et optimisation des connecteurs
    PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at
  • 고속 신호 전송의 과제와 솔루션: PCIe 및 커넥터 최적화
    핵심 문제: 임피던스가 일치하지 않으면 신호 반사가 발생하고 전송 효율이 저하됩니다. 삽입 손실과 반사 손실은 주파수에 따라 크게 증가합니다. 지터 및 아이 클로저 문제는 신호 신뢰성을 떨어뜨립니다. Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at keyword: PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at